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Also found in the Domain is the Auckland Winter Garden.  This was an unplanned visit for us, as we had no knowledge of the place until happening upon a sign pointing to it.  It sounded like something with possibilities, this being winter, and had the additional selling point of costing nothing to visit.

Bob and Connie with Garden Sign
Bob and Connie with Sign

The Winter Garden has three principal parts:  the Tropical House, the Temperate House (AKA the Cool House), and the Fernz Fernery.  The Tropical and Temperate Houses are greenhouses occupied by plant life partial to their respective temperatures.

The Temperate House
The Temperate House
Connie in Temperate House
Connie in Temperate House

Between them they have trees, shrubs, cacti, and many colorful flowers.

Cactus Garden
Cactus Garden
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower, Temperate House

The Tropical House had somewhat more colorful flowers and was blessedly warm inside.  Among its plants were several carnivorous pitcher plants, irresistibly attractive to insects which often fall into the “pitchers” to be drowned and digested.

The Tropical House
The Tropical House (WMV Video, 14.4 MB)
Flower in Pond
Flower in Pond, Tropical House
Pitcher Plant
Pitcher Plant
Purple Orchid
Purple Orchid

As one might expect, the Fernz Fernery showcases ferns, found in profusion throughout New Zealand.  The Fernery is probably very pleasant in the summer, but in the winter it was mostly dark and cold.

Fernz Fernery
Fernz Fernery

The Houses and the Fernery are distributed around a large central courtyard with statues, fountains and a reflecting pool.

Courtyard and Tropical House
Courtyard and Tropical House

More Photos:

Assorted Flowers
Assorted Flowers, Temperate House
Pond, Tropical House
Pond, Tropical House
Red Pitcher Plant
Red Pitcher Plant
White and Red Flowers
White and Red Flowers

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